Umer Farooq Dar

My First Job Experience

The first experience of anything is always remembered, wether it is pleasant or a nightmare. This post is about my first experience of a job.

It was december of 2022 when I graduated from Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, with a B.E in Telecommunications. All my friends were getting placements somewhere, which naturally puts a desire in one's heart to also get placed in some good named organization to show off that "Yes! I am also competent enough"

With this desire burning in the corner of my heart, I started applying at jobs relevant to a Telecommunications Engineer, although it was never my heart's choice to become a Telecom Engineer (more on that later) Sooner than expected, I started getting employers' responses for my applied jobs, which is very unusual in my country Pakistan, where every person can be seen ratting about NO JOBS for freshers. It was thanks to a seminar which I attended during my bachelor's from my supervisor Dr. Fahim Aziz Umrani, that I got employer's responses. In that seminar, Dr. Umrani had taught about some tricks to applying for jobs as a fresher. I incorporated those tricks into my application strategy and Wallah! I was selected and on-job in January 2023! If you want to learn about those tricks you can read here.

So, I joined a reknowned "private" textile mills company (I won't mention the name). The package was very attractive with gratuity, yearly bonus, and what-so-ever that every employer adds in job description to lure you in. The good thing was the 35K PKR Salary as an added benefit. Yes! I said added benefit because, an Engineer getting 35K (125 USD) a month for working from 9 to 6?? Isn't it a bad joke? No so bad here in Karachi, because thats the starting package and normal standard in almost every "private" company here, wether you are an engineer or a clerk.

More on this to be continued.... (when I get enough time to continue this post)

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