Umer Farooq Dar

How to get your First Job in Pakistan

For job you need experience, and for experience you need job.. Haven't I heard this somewhere before?

During bachelors, there are numerous workshops, seminars, festivals and whatnot.. but I used to be one of those silent and simple students who never attended any of them. I remember vividly when the Pro-Vice Chancellor of my University (at that time) Dr. Tauha Hussain Ali tried to motivate me to participate in the Model United Nations event, more popularly known as MUET MUN. It was about representing a given country and debating about its issues as if you were debating for real in the United Nations' Assembly. After all the efforts of motivating me I still ended up not participating as one thing was drilled in brain that "All these academic societies and events will have zero impact on me getting a job after university and it will only waste my time which can be invested in studying for exams", which was somewhat true but not entirely true as I realized after graduation that participating in these Societies actually helped my classmates to build a professional personality and build good references which ultimately helped them getting their first job. Despite this fact, I still got my first job without particiating in any extra-curricular activity and it was all thanks to the tricks mentioned below which I learned from my supervisor Dr. Fahim Aziz Umrani.

These are very summarized points (which I had noted in my mobile at that point). I will try make them more descriptive when I get time:

  1. CV Writing:
  • Make your CV interesting

  • Mention experiences

  • Take review from others

  • Use infographic CV if required

  • Make sure there are no gaps or overlaps in your dates

  • Use templates from these online resources: (my personal suggestion)

  1. Sending Email to Employer for Applying to a Job
  • Keep sentences short
  • Always read your email before sending
  • Do not forget to write subject
  • Don't use all capital letters
  • Dont forget to use magic words (thank you etc)
  • Include Recommendation Letter if possible
  1. Cover Letter writing (Syntax):

contact information employer contact information

1st Paragraph: Your professional introduction 2nd Paragraph: Your experiences including any internships or privately worked gigs 3rd Paragraph: Why you applied to this job and why you are a good fit for it.

regards [Your Name] [Your Degree] [Your Email] [Your Phone] [Your Linkedin] [Your GitHub] (Optional)

  1. Interview Skills
  • Be confident
  • Dress Properly: Formal Shirt and Tie, Shirt should be tucked in
  • Say Assalam O Aleikum or Hello firmly when u enter
  • Shake hands firmly
  • Ask permission before sitting
  • If you dont know the answer: just say that "I don't know the answer, plz ask another question"
  • Look in the eyes
  • Listen and pay attention
  • Remember to smile
  1. My Personal Tips
  • Always read job description and Edit Your Resume/CV to add matching skills and information.
  • If the application process is online, do also send application documents through courier or submit by-hand if possible. This maximizes your application's potential.
  • Write a professional sounding email if applying through email, take help from gramamrly or any AI text tool.
  • Send email only during week days and during office hours, because that is when your email has the maximum chance to get attention from the HR person. According to my experience, the best time is Monday morning 10:00 AM.

Go back home.

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